Disaster Preparedness
On this page you will find useful links for information and advice to learn how you can be better prepared for a disaster in our community.
This is Mendocino County’s one-stop source for disaster preparedness and emergency information. This web page has a great deal of information divided into 4 tabs:
1) Know Your Hazards. This includes an interactive map called MyHazards Tool that will show what hazards are near your home. It also has a section that provides historic perspective and advice on 7 different hazards: Earthquake, Tsunami, Flood, Severe Weather, Slope Failure, Pandemic Disease, and Power Outages.
2) Plan & Prepare. This tab is divided into 5 topics: Be Informed, Prepare Your Home, Make A Plan, Gather Your Supplies, and Get Involved. Each of these has a detailed list of steps one should consider to reduce the risks of losing life and / or property from the hazards in our county.
3) Current Emergencies. This tab will be updated as emergencies evolve with important emergency information, including evacuation orders, shelters, road closures, and more. It also provides instructions for signing up for emergency alerts. This tab also has an interactive map that will identify what Evacuation Zone and Fire Area you are in.
4) Recover. This tab has information about Disaster Assistance and Recovery Resources.
More details and step by step instructions for interactive maps are available here .
Website: https://mendoready.org/
AV Fire Safe Council
The AVFSC is organized under the umbrella of the Mendocino County Fire Safe Council described below. While they share the same mission, the AVFSC is focused on applying the knowledge and resources of the larger organization to the particular circumstances of Anderson Valley’s geography, population distribution, and resources. It can provide support for creating neighborhood or road-shed emergency preparedness organizations including educational presentations and information about current financial aid programs. It is a forum for simultaneously building neighborhood and valley wide preparedness. AVFSC is currently looking for new leadership. Please contact the Mendocino County Fire Safe Council if you are interested. (See below)
How to Keep Food Safe in a Power Outage
The USDA Food Safety & Inspection Service has compiled some useful tips about how to prepare your refrigerator and / or freezer for a power outage and how to determine if your food is still safe to eat after the outage. They describe different methods for increasing the duration of time that your appliance will keep food cold. They have separate articles that provide guides for evaluating specific foods after the power outage. Refrigerated Foods: When to Save and When to Throw Out and Frozen Food and Power Outages: When to Save and When to Throw Out Planning ahead can save you money and protect you from serious illness.
Website: https://www.foodsafety.gov/blog/poweroutage2013.html
Mendocino County Fire Safe Council
The MCFSC is a local non profit organization whose mission is to “inform, empower, and mobilize county residents to survive and thrive in a wildfire prone environment.” Their website contains “lots of information about preparing defensible space around your home, hardening your home to resist fire, and to help you and your neighbors develop a neighborhood Fire Safe Council.” The website has an educational video about how a house burns from a wildfire and links to maps that post fire weather red flag warnings.
Website: https://firesafemendocino.org
Cal Fire
Are your property and home prepared for a wildfire? Cal Fire has excellent material to help you prepare for and respond to a wildfire in your area. The advice ranges from insurance preparedness to what to include in your emergency supply kit “Grab and Go Bag” if you need to evacuate. Printed versions are available at Cal Fire and Anderson Valley Fire Department. Online versions, videos, and apps are available online:
Website: http://www.readyforwildfire.org
Are trees on your property at risk of falling on or touching power lines? PG&E has useful information at www.pge.com/enhancedveg and www.pge.com/wildfiresafety
Mendocino County Citizen Alert Notification System (MendoAlerts)
This system sends alerts from the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office to you via phone, email, or text using a software program called Everbridge. Alerts are based on address and you can register multiple addresses. You can sign up or learn more about this alert system and how it compares with another one called Nixel (see below) at this website:
Website: www.mendocinocounty.org/mendoalert
Nixel Alert Notification System
Nixel is a company that contracts with public safety agencies, including the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office, to send alerts via text or email, but not by phone. Alerts are based on zip code. Our Sheriff’s Office considers MendoAlert (Everbridge) as the primary system and Nixel as secondary. You can learn more and sign up at this website:
Website: http://nixle.us/mendocino-county-sheriffs-office-ca/
If you find an error or broken link or if you wish to suggest other useful Emergency Resources for this page, please contact the Village Coordinator.
The Village Coordinator
707-684-9829 andersonvalleyvillage@gmail.com Box 576, Boonville, CA 95415